Looking for Microsoft Bot Framework Composer?


Hear one of the latest pieces written by Composer Bot, which was recorded on March 8, 2023.


Composer Bot is the most powerful and realistic music generation software ever created. It is not Artificial Intelligence. It uses advanced algorithms which actually compose music from scratch, rather than imitating existing music. This gives it many important advantages over existing music creation platforms.



The content from Composer Bot is realistic, compelling, and emotional. It is so good in fact that major motion pictures are using music from Composer Bot right now. The most discerning content curators approve Composer Bot content for use over 90% of the time, even when paired against organic content by human creators.



Traditional AI is a black box. That means that once you train it with content, how it actually works is a mystery. There is no known way to reverse engineer an AI to figure out how it makes decisions. Composer Bot on the other hand is a white box. That means how it creates music is clearly defined and explicit. The benefit is that the output it creates is 100% controllable. Want a more driving rhythm? No problem. Want a lighter happier mood? No problem. Want bigger, fuller texture? No problem.



Because Composer Bot uses formulas rather than AI the content is 100% copyrightable. Most AI music applications learn by ingesting hundreds of existing songs. This raises the question about whether the creators of those songs should be compensated for the music the AI creates. Composer Bot has no such limitations. Because the content it creates is original and not derivative, it is fully protected by US Copyright law.